From Europe to Washington, D.C., to Washington State and
nearly every place between, the plight of honey bees has been on the main
stage. After attending the Pollinator Summit (presented by the New Jersey Green
Industry Council) and Dr. Daniel Potter’s keynote address at the New York State
Turfgrass Association Turf and Grounds Exposition, I have come to learn a lot
about the critical role pollinators play in our world. Like turf, there are
internal and external stresses that can upset the balance of the hive and industry.
Oh and there are politics, lots of politics. There is also science, emotion and
a host of other factors involved in the discussion. While the issues continue
to swarm, let’s take a quick peek at golf’s footprint in this issue.
What role does turf play in the pollinator discussion? Neonicotinoid
class insecticides (neonics), often used as a preventative for white grubs, have
been shown to have adverse effect on pollinators. The degree to which they
affect the beneficial insects often has more to do with which side of the political
issue you wish to argue. While this situation is unfortunate it definitely can
create disruption in turf right here in the Northeast region. Just this past
year alone, legislative measures took place in New Jersey, New York, Vermont,
and Maine to ban the use of neonics. Beekeepers in Vermont joined one
superintendent at the committee hearing to assist in educating the legislators
as to the minimal role neonics play in pollinator issues. Stephanie Darnell,
technical development manager, Bayer CropScience, cited a survey of beekeepers
that placed pesticides as the seventh most important stress factor to those in
the bee industry, with varroa mite at the top of the list.
While none of the above mentioned legislation efforts were
successful, it opens up the “what if” discussion. Without this useful tool,
turf managers could be pushed to use more volatile chemicals, such as organophosphate
and carbamate insecticides, to control the same pests. These options are much
less environmentally friendly, more costly and potentially more harmful to
non-target pests.
What can turf managers do with regards to our friendly
stewardship practices: Learn about our role as land managers and the stresses
regarding honey bees. Develop spray programs with the sensitivities of
pollinators in mind.
Support research: Emotion and regulation can often outpace research needed to answer vital
questions, and this issue is no exception. Remain vigilant regarding the latest
research, and adjust your practices as needed.
Be part of the solution: It is so often overlooked that the golf industry undertakes environmental
initiatives simply because it is the right thing to do. The changing landscape
is often a negative impact on pollinators, leaving open green space that
includes pollinator friendly vegetation as a critical part of the
solution. Whether you choose to work
with industry partners on specifically developed pollinator friendly programs,
or become conscious of areas and plantings that you could incorporate on your
property, avenues are available for our industry to be part of the solution.
I encourage GCSAA chapters to reach out to your state
apiarists as a resource for information. Invite that individual to a meeting or
education day to spread the word about pollinators in your area. The more you
learn about the role your facilities play in the issue, the better chance you
have at being part of the solution.
Monday, November 24, 2014
Thursday, August 28, 2014
The Joe's of yesterday...
I have the opportunity to spend time with GCSAA members and
great people in the industry as part of my duties as your field staff
representative. One such interaction more than a year and a half ago has stuck
with me, and has been thrust back to the forefront of my mind for reasons both
fortunate and unfortunate.
This particular event was the Finger Lakes Association of GCS
Elmer J.Michaels Scholarship and Research Tournament. I had the pleasure of
spending the day with Joe Hahn, a legend in the golf and turf industry in New
York, and a true gentleman. If you were to spend some time researching Hahn’s
background, you would undoubtedly be impressed. I distinctly remember a tweet I
sent out stating “our industry is where it is today because of the Joes of yesterday”.
Why do I reminisce of such an event? The GCSA of New England takes the opportunity
to recognize the members who have molded their association over the years at
the Chapter Championship. Recognizing each retired participant, complete with
first-tee-at-Augusta style bio, is a tremendous gesture and one that is
obviously appreciated by those in attendance. In addition, the golf portion of
the day has a category to decide the supremacy of the retired division. I’m
sure if I were to look at the Past Presidents list or Distinguished Service
Award winners, many of those at the Chapter Championship would be on one list
or both.
GCSA of New England President Mark Gagne recognizes the
retired members at MCC.
The overwhelming reason I wanted to write about these
particular events is the recent recognition of a long-time member of the
Northeastern GCSA, Mark Printsky. Printsky retired from his role as
superintendent for McGregor CC in Saratoga Springs, and returned shortly after
to “work” with the staff doing facilities maintenance. In all he was at McGregor
CC for more than30 years. Printsky went to sleep on June 8, 2014, and never
woke up. His friends, family, and colleagues held a memorial event in his honor
Aug. 23, with nearly 100 in attendance. Mary Beth Printsky likened her
husband’s occupation as superintendent to that of firefighters, “more like a
brotherhood, not a profession.” She told the group of the love Mark shared for the chapter and all its members,
and the passion for the profession that bound them all close.
The state of the industry, and most associations, is not
what it was back in the day. The superintendents charged with leading the
profession at any point have had to make changes and adapt to any number of
challenges. Consider recognizing them for their accomplishments before it is
too late. Remember, the industry and profession is where it is today because of
the dedication and hard work they all did for us yesterday.
Thursday, July 31, 2014
Do work and family always have to conflict?
I am often asked what I miss about being a superintendent. Involving
my family in the sport is usually my first response. I always enjoyed the time
spent on my course with my children and wife. I miss playing two or three holes
(small children) or an impromptu lunch visit followed by one staying with me
for hot afternoon syringe duty. Do work and family always have to conflict? Can
they coexist? Those are two questions
that many facilities, chapters and even your national association are often faced
with. Superintendents seem to have become more active in family events that it
is harder to chisel out time to participate in industry-related events outside
of the typical work hours. Many chapters work to bring the two together as
well. Here are some of the many ways in which members are no longer forced to
The chapter picnic is a popular one. Several chapters make
the opportunity available during summer months. Often a low-key fun event
striving for social time and family involvement, many take place at a local
park. One such event is described by the chapter as “A great event to spend
some fun quality time with your family, friends and fellow members. Please come
and join us for a fun ball game, a swim in the pool, jumping in the bouncy
castle and a delicious BBQ.” While shop talk often takes place, it is not
always the superintendents leading the charge in this department. The
significant others can get comfort from those with whom they can relate. Relax,
unwind, and spend time with the family at a chapter picnic.
Sports event:
Here in the Northeast we are lucky to have some great,
family friendly and affordable sports options. Whether it is minor league
baseball or hockey, chapters have included these opportunities into their
meeting schedule. Sports are another great avenue for social interaction with
peers, and entertainment for the family as well. Hockey in golf’s offseason has
become a successful staple of some chapter offerings.
Parent/child golf event:
The Metropolitan GCSA hosts a parent/child golf event at where
they also award and recognize the recipients of the chapter scholarships. It is
a nine-hole scramble after working hours, at a child-friendly location with a
simple meal to follow. The scholarships are presented, and the best part, those
awarded are often playing in the event or have in the past. Because of a limited field, this event often
fills up quickly. What better way to promote the scholarship benefit than to
involve the children in the event long before they are even eligible. It is
also a great way to get on the course with family!
Amusement park:
The Connecticut AGCS hosts a day at a local amusement park. With
ticket prices skyrocketing, a group event that includes an all you can eat
buffet and parking for nearly half the price is a steal! In addition, an entire
amusement park at the children’s disposal means entertainment for the family is
guaranteed. I’ve done the amusement park thing with my family recently, and the
children aren’t the only ones going to have a good night sleep. More
importantly, time with the family is added to the CAGCS calendar, and the
attendance continues to show the value the members see in the event.
It is often hard to make decisions to attend chapter
meetings or events, and often family commitments are the reason. Perhaps there
is a way family and chapter events can coexist after all?
Friday, June 27, 2014
Will Changes to "Waters of the U.S." Float Your Boat?
The need to update you on the EPA and Army Corp of Engineers
proposed changes to “Waters of the U.S.” is great, but honestly I have focused
on that frequently in many newsletters lately.
So this time I go off topic, sort of.
What I will focus on the unseen value GCSAA brings to you. Not from my perspective, but from that of a GCSAA
Class A member. How does a member go from newly appointed chapter president to
an invited guest for a meeting with EPA District 1 within six days? Let us look at a timeline on how that
happened and where value plays a role:
- June 9-11: GCSAA’s
Chava McKeel, associate director, government relations attended meetings
in Washington, D.C., relating to Clean Water Act, pesticide regulations,
labor issues and more.
- June 13: The Vermont
Agency of Agriculture representative contacted McKeel (the connection was
made earlier that week in D.C.), informing her of an EPA site visit to
Vermont to discuss proposed changes to the “Waters of the U.S. (WOTUS).”
They asked if there was a GCSAA representative who could attend?
- June 14-16:
Communications continued through weekend and into early following week.
- June 17: I was
invited to the meeting.
- June 18: Board of
Directors meeting with VtGCSA, which was GCSAA Class A member Jason
Shattie’s first as chapter president.
During the meeting, an Email arrived offering an invitation for a
Vermont superintendent to participate in the EPA meeting. Shattie, as president, accepted the
- June 23: McKeel and
I discussed WOTUS and the ramifications on the golf industry via
conference call.
- June 24: EPA
Meeting Day. Shattie and I met at his facility (Burlington Country Club)
in the early afternoon to discuss WOTUS and the ramifications to his facility
and the golf industry. That evening, approximately 40 people met with EPA
and Vermont State Department of Agriculture at University of Vermont.
- June 25: I followed
up with a visit to BCC during a rain event registering over 1.0 inches of
Shattie’s Burlington CC is not unlike many golf courses
across the country. The property is part
of a storm water runoff plan, including the surrounding neighborhood and the
adjacent UVM campus. This increased flow
of water during periods of average and above-average rainfall causes more than
the usual issues when it rains. The proposed changes to WOTUS are destined to
create a significant burden at BCC. The
inclusion of these “ephemeral waters” may create an issue at most golf
courses. Originally designed to move
water off the playing surfaces to underground drainage, surface drainage
ditches, or into small waterways through out of play areas, these areas may now
require a federal National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)
permit to apply chemicals to. In
Shattie’s case, both of the following pictures represent areas that could fit
the above profile:

Both areas require the responsible use of pesticides. The permit will be expensive and take time to
apply for and receive, if granted. These
will both affect the operations at his facility. If these pictures represent similar areas at
your facility, you could be impacted as well.
As the above timeline shows, actions being taken that you do
not see can be impactful, and have tremendous value. Golf’s representation at
that EPA meeting in Vermont left an impression on those in the state and at
EPA; golf course superintendents are engaged in protecting the property we are
entrusted to maintain. These efforts, in addition to communicating golf course
superintendents as environmental stewards, are promoting golf as a solution,
not the problem. The opportunity given to one member to learn about the
challenges to golf with the new Waters of the U.S. and become engaged has given
our industry an extremely motivated individual working to protect our
profession. Could the next engaged member be you?
Thursday, April 10, 2014
Are you hiding from positive feedback?
Are you hiding from positive feedback? Seems like a silly question doesn’t it? But positive feedback seems to be a foreign
concept in the golf course superintendent profession. Sometimes these kind verbal phrases are
referred to as compliments. Maybe you
have heard of them?
Sarcasm aside now, let me explain my opening question. As I communicate more directly with GCSAA
members, I am often amazed by the lack of accessibility of superintendents on
facility websites. The GCSAA database contains some information regarding you
as members, but has hardly any details about your facilities. I typically find
the facility on the web for general background information, including items
such as accessibility (public/private), directions, or small course details.
Inevitably I will try and find the superintendent on the website. I have found that there are surprisingly few
superintendents even mentioned.
Managers, club staff, golf pros, as well as others, are often
prominently displayed, but not the superintendent. So I did a small study.
I looked up five members randomly from three chapters (Rhode
Island, Cape Cod, New England), and went to their facility’s website. I looked for a mention of the superintendent and
direct contact information. I found that the superintendent was mentioned by
name on seven of 15 websites. I also found three of the 15 had direct contact
information for the superintendent.
Surprising? In addition, four websites had direct contact information
for multiple staff members, but not the superintendent!
Back to the opening question: Are you hiding from positive feedback? I think we have answered the first part with
the above (very unscientific) study. It was a small sample size, but clearly it
is hard for the general public to reach the superintendent. What about the
positive feedback part? Well, let’s face
it; if someone has a negative comment it will be directed to anyone and
everyone. It will undoubtedly get back
to you no matter how difficult you are to contact. But what if someone has a
compliment about the course or for you? If your contact information is readily
available, they can send it directly to you.
I suppose they could use a general contact for the club. Do you think you would receive that
Think about the communication tools available at your club,
especially the website. Consider how they are affecting the flow of information,
including potential positive feedback from golfers, guests or others. Advocate
for yourself and, if needed, increase your level of self-promotion on the
facility website. Perhaps you might
happen upon some of those compliment things I mentioned earlier!
Thursday, March 13, 2014
Ice Resources
No secret here, the region stands to see a greater impact
from ice this year than in recent history.
Many educational resources are being mobilized by allied associations
and publications. GCSAA is no
exception. The GCSAA staff has compiled
valuable information from the many archived resources in an effort to deliver
another source for you in the field.
Links to these resources are below:
While the region still waits to determine the potential
impact of ice on the course in 2014, I hope you will find value in some of
these articles. As always, your GCSAA
Field Staff will be at your service to help in any way we can.
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
Culture Shock: Yes or No?
As I sit and write, my colleague Brian Cloud, GCSAA’s South
Central regional representative, is sending another storm our way with
forecasts of a foot of snow or more, yet the calendar clearly shows golf season
is on the way. Soon the phone will begin ringing with seasonal employees
checking in to verify their positions for the upcoming season and ads will need
to be placed for open spots on the crew. Soon the staff will descend on your
maintenance facility and fill the winter void with life.
Ponder for a moment, what will this year’s staff be like? I
am sure your staff makes such an indelible mark on your season that you can
rattle off the good and bad as easily as the end of the year results of your
favorite sports teams. Championship
year, high potential with disastrous results, good free agents (new hires) and
bad deals, and the dreaded trip to the IR (injuries or accidents on the job are
never a good thing, and rarely forgotten). That is what superintendents see and
remember, but what does your staff see?
What do they remember?
What would your staff say the culture is like at your
facility? I get a chance to visit many facilities; what would I see when I
enter your facility? What is the vibe like? Workplace culture can aide with
staff motivation, level of engagement, productivity, and can help minimize
employee conflicts. Simple physical cues can aid in a positive culture. Is your
shop clean and organized? Is your
equipment clean and maintained? Do you place a priority on care of equipment no
matter how old it is? If your employees respect the equipment and their
environment, they will transfer that respect to their jobs.
Is there an emphasis on being on time? When I was a superintendent, my motto was:
“Early is on time, on time is late, and late is unacceptable.” However, mottos
are no good without accountability. Is there a policy for tardiness, and is it
adhered to? A lack of accountability can undo every good effort to build a
Who do you want your staff to emulate? Would you be happy if
your staff tried to be like you? Are you a “do what I say, not what I do” type,
or are you a model for what you want your staff to achieve? Good leaders hold
themselves to the highest standards. Your staff will notice any time you stray
from that standard, and they will react accordingly. They will hold you
accountable, maybe not in words, but in actions.
There are many ways to adapt a culture for your specific
needs, but your staff will dictate the success of that culture not you. A staff
of Baby Boomers will not react positively to a loose culture with too much
flexibility, while a military-style approach might not get the most out of a
staff full of Gen X and Gen Y workers. Get to know your staff personally. Have
fun when the time is right. Stress can take a toll on a staff. Keeping things
light in those times can often have positive results. If you have built the
respect within your staff, they will understand when the light and loose time
is over and back to business must happen. Engage them, as they will almost tell
you what type of culture will motivate them.
Responding to their needs will develop a workplace culture that will
maximize productivity.
Consider the Red Sox 2012 epic collapse as fried chicken and
beer stories raged in the media. In 2013, they were World Series Champions.
Credit was heaped on the people, new system, and the change in culture. Be a
leader and set a standard for excellence at your facility. Develop guidelines
that will maintain structure and maximize productivity. Hold yourself and others
accountable for all actions. Finally, during the golf season you’ll spend more
time your staff than with your friends and families, so keep it light. A good
culture is self-perpetuating and contagious. You will not have to ask people to
adhere to it; they will want to be a
part of it.
Monday, January 20, 2014
When Two Passions Collide....
I often refer to the passion that is the profession of the
superintendent. After all, wake up
between 3 and 4 in the morning, respond to the pressures Mother Nature
throws your way, fight the never ending battle that is golfer/member
expectations, and do it all again the next day.
Yes superintendents get paid, but I feel it is better described as a
passion more than a profession.
I have also written articles based on the government relations
actions taking place on your behalf by GCSAA. Some
members have told me that the work being done by the GCSAA staff “is worth the price of membership alone.” So what were to happen when GR meets members
here in the Northeast Region?
Here is where the collision happens: add Chava McKeel, GCSAA associate director of government relations, and see that not only do superintendents
exude passion for their profession, so do McKeel and the GR staff. The message was made clear to the
Connecticut, Metropolitan, and Maine chapters, nearly 600 people, simply working
to raise awareness of the profession of the golf course superintendent and the
benefits of golf will not work.
Advancing the profession and enhancing the vitality of the game of golf must be done with passion. McKeel might not operate with enough passion
to move mountains (literally), but definitely enough to move votes.
During the many hours travelling the region, I learned first-hand
that GCSAA’s staff of McKeel, Margo Campbell Szabo, and newly hired Kaelyn
Seymour are indeed passionate about your profession and you the member. Many in government think golf is an elitist
sport that needs no federal help. More
in government think golf is a waste of open space and blight on the
environment. Your GR staff at GCSAA
considers operating in that element a challenge, and even fun. Building coalitions, developing
relationships, and generating political capital are more than a job for McKeel and
the staff; it is what makes them tick. Her messages of “we need to chip away at
misperceptions” of golf, and “get involved in government relations, it’s not
scary” resonated with the members.
I can attest to those two statements personally. I attended my first New York State Turfgrass
Association (NYSTA) Lobby Day in Albany last year. There were four topics to be discussed with state
legislators that day, and “leave behind” materials were distributed to the
group. I was petrified. I had no idea what to do. My first meeting was with the chairman of the
environmental committee, and was an adversary of the green industry. The discussion went as expected when
the unstoppable force meets the immovable object -- nowhere. By the second office visit of my six, I understood
that we, the members of the industry, were the experts on the topics. We were educating the lawmakers on our issues
and were garnering favorable responses. Was
it effective? If you consider getting $150,000
reinstated into the state budget for research, outreach and advocacy, then yes,
it was successful. It was also easy.
Look for more information about how you can become active in
GR issues on the national level soon.
Also, consider taking a pro-active approach at the state level. Remember, you are passionate and the expert,
the two traits that GCSAA’s GR staff use to keep your tools in the tool box at the
national level. They will definitely work
at the local level for you too!
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