From Europe to Washington, D.C., to Washington State and
nearly every place between, the plight of honey bees has been on the main
stage. After attending the Pollinator Summit (presented by the New Jersey Green
Industry Council) and Dr. Daniel Potter’s keynote address at the New York State
Turfgrass Association Turf and Grounds Exposition, I have come to learn a lot
about the critical role pollinators play in our world. Like turf, there are
internal and external stresses that can upset the balance of the hive and industry.
Oh and there are politics, lots of politics. There is also science, emotion and
a host of other factors involved in the discussion. While the issues continue
to swarm, let’s take a quick peek at golf’s footprint in this issue.
What role does turf play in the pollinator discussion? Neonicotinoid
class insecticides (neonics), often used as a preventative for white grubs, have
been shown to have adverse effect on pollinators. The degree to which they
affect the beneficial insects often has more to do with which side of the political
issue you wish to argue. While this situation is unfortunate it definitely can
create disruption in turf right here in the Northeast region. Just this past
year alone, legislative measures took place in New Jersey, New York, Vermont,
and Maine to ban the use of neonics. Beekeepers in Vermont joined one
superintendent at the committee hearing to assist in educating the legislators
as to the minimal role neonics play in pollinator issues. Stephanie Darnell,
technical development manager, Bayer CropScience, cited a survey of beekeepers
that placed pesticides as the seventh most important stress factor to those in
the bee industry, with varroa mite at the top of the list.
While none of the above mentioned legislation efforts were
successful, it opens up the “what if” discussion. Without this useful tool,
turf managers could be pushed to use more volatile chemicals, such as organophosphate
and carbamate insecticides, to control the same pests. These options are much
less environmentally friendly, more costly and potentially more harmful to
non-target pests.
What can turf managers do with regards to our friendly
stewardship practices: Learn about our role as land managers and the stresses
regarding honey bees. Develop spray programs with the sensitivities of
pollinators in mind.
Support research: Emotion and regulation can often outpace research needed to answer vital
questions, and this issue is no exception. Remain vigilant regarding the latest
research, and adjust your practices as needed.
Be part of the solution: It is so often overlooked that the golf industry undertakes environmental
initiatives simply because it is the right thing to do. The changing landscape
is often a negative impact on pollinators, leaving open green space that
includes pollinator friendly vegetation as a critical part of the
solution. Whether you choose to work
with industry partners on specifically developed pollinator friendly programs,
or become conscious of areas and plantings that you could incorporate on your
property, avenues are available for our industry to be part of the solution.
I encourage GCSAA chapters to reach out to your state
apiarists as a resource for information. Invite that individual to a meeting or
education day to spread the word about pollinators in your area. The more you
learn about the role your facilities play in the issue, the better chance you
have at being part of the solution.
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